Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Started a Script Git Repo

I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. When you're a programmer( even a beginner ) you'll always have the "itch" for writing a script even if it is a small thing , just a one-liner. entering a command makes all the difference. And what better way but to write a Shell Script or any script for that matter. A =good way to store scripts is having a repository for them and GitHub is a good and free place to make one. I have created a repository( repo in short ) for scripts ( shell and others too ) .its not much but its a good start. Happy Scripting :)


  1. GitHub, only if you are connected all the time right? what about when you are offline?

    install git on your local machine too, the do a 'push' or 'pull'... commit to local repo first, then push to online repo. thats the power of git. make it a two step process, get what i am saying???

  2. @boomslang
    ofcourse..i have a git on my local machine..but without an online one,no one else will be able to access it right?
